Veterinary Technician

There is always that person you can count on to lighten the mood, to stay calm in high stress situations and to provide comic relief with witty and fun jokes when needed. That is Abbey. A huge pet advocate and top-notch paw/nose print maker, Abbey is creative, loves an adventure and is always up for a challenge. With her go-go gadget arms for days, she is an awesome force of nature at Buddy’s Vets.
You can often find Abbey curled up on the floor as she recovers a surgery patient. She is an amazing nurturer. Abbey has been studying mindfulness and it has been amazing to see her implement those techniques into her interactions with both staff and clients. She has a huge love of nature and the outdoors taking her time out of the clinic to explore and camp. Abbey is an absolute joy to work with. Stand back if she starts to sneeze. Abbey has an easy demeanor and is pretty laid back.
Abbey's Buddy: Paisley, the queen majesty herself who has saved her life a time or two and has been by her side in so many of her lowest lows and there will never be another like her. But in Abbey’s opinion, everyone thinks they have the best dog, and as she puts it, not a single one of them are wrong.