Veterinarian, Owner of Buddy’s Vets
Dr. Becky

Dr. Becky, also known as Superwoman Extraordinaire, is the Ringleader of the Circus at Buddy’s Vets. She has been married to her middle school sweetheart for 20 years and they have 2 kiddos and many pets. Dr. Becky wears a lot of hats as a mom, veterinarian, business owner and much more. She thrives on leading an amazing team to offer the best care for her patients and their people. Dr. Becky has a passion for making connections and relationships in the exam room and being part of the pet family for life. She also has passions of helping other veterinarians support teams that often struggle in this field. Dr. Becky has taken those passions and gone on to do national speaking and consulting. She uses what she learns everyday with her team to help inspire others.
As a kid, she even worked at the business she owns today, now known as Buddy’s Vets. Her experience of working 17 years in the business of helping cats and dogs has led her to be able to neuter a dog in 6 minutes. Say what?! She is smart, quick on her feet, and funny. She is always up for an adventure. Dr. Becky always strives to be on top of her game for both her business and the pets she cares for, because at the end of the day, that’s who she is. You’ll never get anything less from her.
Becky's Buddy: Buddy - the dog behind the name. Buddy came into Dr. Becky’s life at a busy time in her life with school, work and being newly married. He didn’t fit what she was initially looking for when she went to the Dane County Humane Shelter, but when their eyes locked, it was love at first sight. It took some time for Buddy to get his bearings with his new family, but it came to be that Dr. Becky would be his person and he would be her dog. Buddy was her everything and by her side through the ups and downs, and even at the very end, he taught Dr. Becky about the circle of life. He will always have a special place in her heart.